Horseshoe Cable Headband Free Knitting and Crochet Pattern

Free horseshoe cable headband pattern for knitting and crochet. Enjoy!

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US 6 needles
100g/108yds Cascade Yarns, 100% Baby Alpaca Chunky (Color 572)
Crochet hook G
Embroidery needle
Two buttons, thread, needle

4 sts/in
Final measurements(w x h): 4.25" x 22" (height may vary based on head size)
**Please pay careful attention to the yarn and needle sizes you choose - this yarn is chunky, heavier, and fuzzier. Worsted acrylic yarns will need at least two strands.

kf&b: knit in the front and the back of the same stitch (increase)
sl1k: slip 1st stitch knit-wise
sl1p: slip 1st stitch purl-wise
BC: place 2sts on a cable needle in the back, k2, k2 from cable needle
FC: place 2sts on a cable needle in the front, k2, k2 from cable needle
CO: cast on
BO: bind off

CO 19 sts
K 5 rows
Next row: k3, *kf&b, k2, to last 3 sts, kf&b, k3 = 24 sts

Row 1 (WS and all other wrong side rows): k1, p1, k2, p16, k2, p1, k1
Row 2: k2, p2, k4, BC, FC, k4, p2, k2
Row 4: k2, p2, k2, BC, k4, FC, k2, p2, k2
Row 6: k2, p2, BC, k8, FC, p2, k2
Repeat rows 1-6 until desired length.

Ending after WS row (most natural looking after Row 2): k3, *k2tog, k2 to last 3 sts, k2tog, k3 = 19 sts.
K 1 row
Next row: k3, BO4, k4, BO4, k2
Next row: k3, CO4, k5, CO4, k3
K 1 row
BO all stitches.

Starting an inch from the ends (horizontally), single crochet three times and then double crochet the remaining length. About 2 inches from the other end, single crochet three times and knot off. Repeat on other side. Weave in loose ends. Sew two buttons on opposite end of button holes. Optional to sew on two more buttons for adjustable fitting.

© The Fuzzy Square. All right reserved. Not to be sold.

Highlighted row corrected on 6/2/12.

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  1. I've made it to the fourth to last row but I don't understand how to Bind off with 3 stitches and I really want to finish :/

  2. I've made it to the fourth to last row but I don't understand how to Bind off with 3 stitches and I really want to finish :/
    But other than that this pattern is amazing and it looks amazing :D
    Please help :(

    1. Hey Ny! I'm glad you're enjoying the pattern. :)

      I'm so glad you commented - no wonder you're having trouble, the numbers are wrong! The pattern should read:
      Next row: k3, BO4, k4, BO4, k2
      Next row: k3, CO4, k5, CO4, k3

      If you're still confused, I broke it down a bit:
      Knit 3 stitches, then (to begin your bind offs) knit 2 and slip the first stitch over the second stitch. Knit 1 and slip the previous stitch over it, repeating twice more to bind off the four. Now this part should have said k4 instead of k5. Then k2 and slip the first stitch over the second stitch. Knit 1 and slip the previous stitch over it, repeating twice more. Then k2.

      Sorry about that - hopefully it's clear now. The end result will be 3 stitches, a gap, 5 stitches, a gap, and 3 stitches. (Why the numbers were wrong in the pattern - thank you for catching!)

      Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks and enjoy!

    2. I was able to finish my headband and it looks great!! :D
      Thank you so much for the correction and the break down of binding off was so easy to follow!! Again thank you so much for your help :D

  3. I absolutely lover this pattern! I was wondering if it would be ok if I whipped up a bunch of these to sell at a local Elks club fundraiser. All the proceeds will go to local women's shelters in my area.

    1. Thanks, Brittany! You're welcome to sell the headbands for the fundraiser - just be sure to credit the site. :) I'd love to see pictures if you take any!!

  4. I don't understand how to get 24 stitches on row 6... I'm doing 2 increases= 21 stitches on the needle. Thanks! Amy

    1. Hi Triple!

      Are we talking about here?:
      Next row: k3, *kf&b, k2, to last 3 sts, kf&b, k3 = 24 sts

      If so, you start out with the original 19 stitches and you'll be doing 5 increases in this row. Here is the row written out completely:
      k3, kf&b (knit in front and back of same stitch = 2sts), k2, kf&b, k2, kf&b, k2, kf&b, k2, kf&b, k3

      The * means that you repeat what is in front of it until told otherwise (in this case, to the last three stitches). Therefore you alternate kf&b, k2 to the last three stitches, and then finish the row as directed.

      Let me know if you have any more questions! :) Best of luck!

    2. Aha! That makes more sense! Thanks for your quick answer! Now I can get going on the project!

  5. Thank you for this wonderful headband pattern. My daughter loves this design!

  6. Hi there! Love this pattern-- perfect for winter! Will it make a big difference if I skip the crocheted border?

    1. Totally up to you! The pattern is designed to be narrower to afford for the crochet border. You can start it out and see what you think - you might want to try a needle size or two up to make up for the width or add a few border stitches along the edges. I'd love to hear what you come up with! :)

  7. Hello!

    I’m the editor of and I’m pleased to let you know that we’ve linked to one of your knitting patterns on our yarn blog, Stitch & Unwind.

    Here is a link to the post:

    If you have any free patterns that you’d like for us to link out to from (along with showing a small picture of the finished project) please let me know. We’re always looking for more people to work with.

    Hope you’re having a great day,


    Caitlin Eaton
    Prime Publishing LLC
    3400 Dundee Road, Suite 220
    Northbrook, IL 60062
    847-205-9375 Main | 847-513-6099 Fax

  8. I really love this headband. I am knitting it in a soft bamboo blend yarn in black and it looks fabulous! thanks for the pattern

    1. So glad to hear! Your soft bamboo blend sounds heavenly! :)

  9. Could I pick up the side stitches and maybe knit 2 rows of seed stitch instead of the double crochet?

    1. Absolutely experiment! I like the crochet appearance, which is why I chose that for the border, but it can be anything you'd like. Some people skip the border all together!

  10. Where is the crocheted pattern for this headband? I have crocheted alot longer than I have knitted, but am gonna give it a try - knitted. Thanks! Happy knitting or crocheting.

    1. Hi, Laurie! Glad to hear you're going to give this a try. :) The headband is knitted with an added crochet edging, which is why it's labeled as knit and crochet. There isn't a separate crochet version.

      Hope this helps!

  11. I have a question about row 2. Row 1 has 24 stitches but row 2 and all right side rows have only 20 stitches. What am I missing?
