UGG Replica Bag - Free Knitting Pattern

This is a replica of the UGG Women's Cardy Crossbody bag, valued between $88-128.

Original: Cabelas UGG Bag


Difficulty: EASY

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Yarn: 3 balls 50g Ice Yarns Merino Acryl, 50% Merino, 50% Acrylic, 3 ply
Needles: US 7 circular (24”), US 3
Stitch marker
A button
Strap of choice
Optional: fabric for lining, zipper

Gauge (US 7): 16 stitches/4” in stockinette stitch
Finished measurement: 9.3” wide x 8” tall

Using 2 strands of yarn, CO 82 sts with circular needles. Mark beginning of round with stitch marker.

ROW 1: *k1, p1, repeat to end
Repeat this row until piece measures 8”.

ROW 1: p2tog, *k1, p1, repeat 18 times, k1, p2tog, k2tog, p1, *k1, p1 to last 2 stitches, k2tog.
ROW 2: k2tog, *p1, k1, repeat 17 times, p1, k2tog, p2tog, k1, *p1, k1 to last 2 stitches, p2tog.
ROW 3: p2tog, *k1, p1, repeat 16 times, k1, p2tog, k2tog, p1, *k1, p1 to last 2 stitches, k2tog.
ROW 4: k2tog, continue *p1, k1, repeat 15 times, binding off throughout the row, p1, k2tog, p2tog, k1 *p1, k1, to last 2 stitches, p2tog, tie off.

With single strand of yarn, CO 33 stitches with US 3 needles. Knit stockinette stitch until piece measures approximately 3.75”, ending with a WS (purl) row.

ROW 1: sl1, k1, psso, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog. 31 sts.
ROW 2: purl all.
ROW 3: knit all.
ROW 4: purl all.
ROW 5: sl1, k1, psso, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog. 29 sts.
BO all sts.

Block body of bag to desired size. When finished, turn your best side of the bag inward and sew the bottom edge closed. Turn right side out and sew on front pocket. Top of pocket should naturally curl down. Add button.

Add strap of choice.

Optional: line the bag and add a zipper.

Happy knitting!

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  1. Hello! I love this pattern and have already cast on. Quick question, would you allow a person to sell bags they make from your pattern? I would make sure to put your name on the tag as the designer.

    1. Hi Egore, it's exciting that you've started the pattern. I personally don't mind for this pattern, but note that the pattern itself is a replica, so the original manufacturer UGG may have other copyright parameters for replicas being sold.

      Best wishes!

  2. Hello, which side of the bag is the top? Is this worked from the top down or the bottom up?
